Thoolika : Desk Top Publishing Software
Thoolika : Desk Top Publishing Software
With this Indian language Keyboard driver software and Font pack you can input Indian language text - Malayalam, Hindi and Tamil - in almost all software under MS Windows platform, such as MS Office, Adobe PageMaker, PhotoShop, CorelDraw .....etc.... This added a new dimension in regional language Word processing, Data processing, E-Mail, Web Publishing and in Desk Top Publishing.....etc....
Many Malayalam web sites are using our Malayalam fonts to display Malayalam web pages since 1994. The leading Malayalam daily news paper Keralakaumudi and INDIAN EXPRESS Malayalamvrika is also using this software for DTP and for Web publishing.
Key Features
- In Addition to the 16 fonts of Thoolika, all third party fonts in Malayalam, Tamil, and Hindi is suitable to Thoolika.
- Five different types of keyboard layouts are available within this software for entering Malayalam.
- Malayalam and English can be simultaneously entered on the same Document/ Data Base Field/ Spread Sheet cell by using the toggle key [F2].
- Utility to hyphenate text according to Malayalam text writing grammar, while typing text inside PageMaker under MS Windows.
- MS DOS based bilingual (English- Malayalam) text editor for Word Processing on lower end Systems.
- Keyboard Driver and Text Import/Export utility for third party font interface..
O/S REQUIREMENT: MS Windows 3.1/95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Price: Free
Please download Thoolik2005

Thoolika2005 Keyboard layout for non-Unicode fonts
Remington Keyboard layout - Malayalam

Inscript Keyboard layout - Malayalam

Remington Keyboard layout - Hindi

Inscript Keyboard layout - Hindi

Remington Keyboard layout - Tamil

Inscript Keyboard layout - Tamil

Keyboard layouts for inputting Unicode Malayalam under Windows 98/ME/NT/2000
Remington Keyboard layout

Inscript Keyboard layout