" Vedic Astrology PROPHET Privacy Policy - Data Collection, Usage, and Permissions

Vedic Astrology PROPHET Privacy Policy

Vedic astrology PROPHET
Last updated: Sep 20, 2023

When you use our services, you’re trusting us with your information. We understand that this is a big responsibility and we work hard to protect your information and put you in control.

This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it and how you can update, manage, export and delete your information.

Information We Collect, and How We Use It

Information that we collect automatically : We automatically receive your email address, profile name and profile photo associated with your email account when you create your account. We use these details to authorize you to access our services and data. We aren’t collecting any other personal information other than this automatically.

How to delete the account : You can delete your account at any time. This will delete all of your personal information associated with the accoun.


To delete your login account

  1. Go to the app's opening screen.
  2. Log in to the account you want to delete.
  3. Tap the **DELETE** button on the login screen.
  4. Tap the **DELETE** button in the confirmation dialog box."

Please note that deleting your account will permanently delete all of your data.

Vedic astrology PROPHET Vedic astrology PROPHET

List of requested permissions

We will only use these permissions for the purposes listed below, and we will not use them for any other purpose without your consent.

  • Android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE  :  Android 9 and older: We need the READ_PHONE_STATE permission to only access your device's IMEI number for software licensing.

  • Android.permission.CALL_PHONE : This app needs to make phone calls in order to allow you to call astrologers for consultations. We will not use this permission for any other purpose without your consent
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