"We have a long history of developing innovative software products and services for the Malayalam language. They have been at the forefront of the development of Malayalam computing since 1990, and our software products have helped to make Malayalam computing more accessible to people all over the world."
Our Mission
Our Mission
We are a software research and development center located in Kerala, India. We have been working in the field of Indian language computing since 1990. Our mission is to provide the common people of India with access to the latest developments in information technology in their own languages, through computers, the internet, and mobile phones. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to benefit from the power of information technology, regardless of their language. We are committed to developing innovative solutions that make information technology accessible to people in all parts of India. Our work has had a significant impact on the lives of many people. We have developed a variety of products and services that have helped people to access education, healthcare, and other essential services in their own languages. We have also worked with government agencies and non-profit organizations to promote the use of information technology in rural and underserved areas. We are proud of our work and we are committed to continuing our mission to make information technology accessible to everyone in India.

About Our CEO
About Our CEO
Mr. Ajayalal S is the CEO of Supersoft. He won second prize in the 'Claim to Fame' competition held by Microsoft. And also received the Kerala Media Academy Award for his outstanding contributions to Malayalam computing. Mr. Ajayalal S received the award from Finance Minister Dr. T. M. Thomas Isaac on 30-10-2019.
Supersoft and its CEO Mr. Ajayalal S are being mentioned in
Kerala state educational materials also. they are being used to teach students about the history
and development of Malayalam computing. This will inspire future generations of Malayalam
programmers to continue the work.

Kerala Media Academy Award
Kerala Media Academy Award
Mr. Ajayalal S receiving the Kerala Media Academy Award for his outstanding contributions to Malayalam computing.

Kerala Media Academy Award
Kerala Media Academy Award

MA Malayalam Text
MA Malayalam Text
Kerala state educational materials are mentioning Supersoft and its CEO Ajayalal to teach students about the history of Malayalam computing.
Released "SuperMalar"

SuperMalar malayalam Wordprocessor
SuperMalar Malayalam Wordprocessor
A bilingual (Malayalam/English) word processor software under MS DOS was released. It was the first software solution for Malayalam Word processing.
Released "Thoolika"

Thoolika Malayalam DTP Software
Thoolika Malayalam DTP Software
Thoolika, a Malayalam DTP software under MS Windows 3.1 was released. It was the first Malayalam DTP software from Kerala.
Released "Prophet"

Vedic astrology PROPHET
Vedic astrology PROPHET
Vedic astrology software PROPHET was released.
Released "Kirali SDK"
Kirali SDK, a Malayalam Software Development Kit was released.
Released "Aksharam"
Aksharam, a Bilingual (English/Malayalam) word processor under MS Windows was released.
The first Malayalam Unicode font
The first Malayalam Unicode font for Malayalam script. The first Unicode font for Malayalam language.

Released "Thoolika2002"
Thoolika2002 with Inscript and Remington keyboard driver for inputting Malayalam Unicode text in Office XP under MS Windows was released.
Released a Traditional Malayalam font in Open Type Unicode format
A Traditional Malayalam font in Open Type Unicode format was released. It was the first Unicode font for Traditional Malayalam script.

Released "ScribeMagic"
ScribeMagic, an Unicode based Translation/Transliteration software for Indian languages was released.

Released "PROPHET2006"
PROPHET2006, an Indian Vedic astrology software in Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and English was released.
Released "ThoolikaUnicode"
Released ThoolikaUnicode. For inputting Unicode format Malayalam in OfficeXP. Remington and Inscript keyboard layouts.
Released "Prophet2008"
Prophet2008, an Astrology software based on Microsoft dotNet technology was released.
Launched Online astrology service
Online astrology service for Horoscope and Marriage compatibility was launched.

Released Astrology software for windows phones
Astrology software for MS Windows based Mobile phones was released.

Released Astrology software for JAVA phones
Released astrology software under JAVA enabled mobile phones.

Released astrology software for Android Mobile phones and Tabs
An astrology software for Android Mobile phones and Tabs was released.
Released "Remington"
Remington(Typewriter), a Malayalam Keyboard layout for Android Mobile phones and Tabs was released.
Released "InScript"
Released InScript Malayalam layout Keyboard for Android Mobile phones and Tabs.
Released SmartVillage
SmartVillage, an Android application was released. A smarter move to digitize your village.

Released "Prophet2024"
Prophet2024, Astrology software was released.